I downloaded SWI Prolog today but, I am having trouble getting emacs to recognize my prolog files. I am saving my prolog files with the extension .pl
however, It keeps thinking they are perl files. In my home directory I have my ./.emacs file
and I have my prolog.el
file. Also at the end of my ./.emacs
file I appended the following:
(autoload 'run-prolog "prolog" "Start a Prolog sub-process." t)
(autoload 'prolog-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Prolog programs." t)
(autoload 'mercury-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Mercury programs." t)
(setq prolog-system 'swi)
(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.pl$" . prolog-mode)
("\\.m$" . mercury-mode))
I am using this sample .emacs
file: Sample Emacs File
Why will emacs not recognize my prolog file? I am not that experienced with emacs, so all help is greatly appreciated!