In my application, I need to provide an API (something like the Google Maps javascript API), through which I can send some custom javascript (with some session and request related information) as the response. The javascript is then used to plot some graphs on the UI. I'm using Express with Jade as my templating engine. The code that I'm currently using is:
app.use('/graph',function(req, res){
//send out graph data
var var_name = req.session.var_name //fetch something from session
var graphData = fetchGraphData(req.query.graph); //function that fetches graph data
res.render(__dirname + '/views/graph.jade', {
title: "Title", queryStr: JSON.stringify({var_name: var_name, graphData: graphData })
And the jade file:
| some_var_name = {
| initGraph : function(divId){
| //some code here
| var graphData = !{graphData}
| // do something
As a workaround, I have started each line of the jade file with |
, so that jade parses the text as plain text, and doesn't add any html tags! It works fine, but is there a cleaner way to do this? The solution may or may not use Jade!
to send out any string you want. – Wyoming