I have a big amount of data from which I would like to create a scatter plot and include it in my LaTeX document. I use gnuplot to generate the scatter plot with the epslatex output format to be able to import the data to my LaTeX document easily.
My problem is that the EPS files are way too big (approximately 14MB per figure) which will result in a very big output document. Clearly the reason is that all of the data is included in the EPS file which is not needed.
However, I couldn't find a way to compress the EPS file. The only way is to reduce the number of sample points I have but for technical reasons I would prefer not to do that.
Can anyone suggest me a way to reduce the size of EPS plots?
I tried to use ImageMagick and reduce the resolution of the EPS files (like convert -units PixelsPerInch plot.eps -density 300 plot2.eps
) but it shrinks the dimensions which is not what I want.
Thanks in advance,