We can also add this for meta keywords, meta description and meta title
// function to insert All-in-One SEO Pack keywords
function keyword_insert() {
global $post; // VERY important!
// Retrieve keyword meta data from the SEO Pack
$seokeywords = stripslashes(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_aioseop_keywords', true));
// Default keywords in case none are specified for the page
if (empty($seokeywords)) $seokeywords = "Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, The Cheat";
// Output the html code
$seokeyword_block = "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"".$seokeywords."\"/>\n";
echo $seokeyword_block;
// function to insert All-in-One SEO Pack description
function description_insert() {
global $post; // VERY important!
// Retrieve description meta data from the SEO Pack
$seodesc = stripslashes(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_aioseop_description', true));
// Default description in case none is specified for the page
if (empty($seodesc)) $seodesc = "Oh! I am Homestar, and This is A Website!";
// Output the html code
$seodesc_block = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".$seodesc."\"/>\n";
echo $seodesc_block;
function title_insert() {
global $post; // VERY important!
// Retrieve title meta data from the SEO Pack
$seotitle = stripslashes(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_aioseop_title', true));
// Default description in case none is specified for the page
if (empty($seotitle)) $seotitle = "";
// Output the html code
$seotitle_block = "<title>".$seotitle."</title><meta name=\"title\" content=\"".$seotitle."\"/>\n";
echo $seotitle_block;
Please check this URL for reference