I try to make a glossary at the end of my book which contains also the headlines content of my documentation (without description, only a reference to the page). I want to get the headlines into a glossary. But headlines need 2 lines to work, because you have to underline them.
So I am searching a way to combine the .. glossary::
command with a headline OR to make the command invisible under my headlines. I don’t want to see the .. glossary::
command in my LaTeX PDF output, because if I seperat the command I would have my headlines twice. I only want to see the glossary.
But every time I try to, my headlines aren't highlighted anymore and dont work.
They just look like a .. note::
box within the LaTeX PDF and my structures are missing.
How it looks like:
How it should look:
Also the sturctures are missing, so About this Guide isn't anymore a headline.
How it looks:
How it should look:
I searched a lot in the internet and found a lot of descriptions about the .. glossary::
Syntax, but nothing in combination with a headline. So I tried it in many different ways by myself. Here some of the nearby endless examples XD, how I tried it:
.. glossary:: About this Guide
2.) ..glossary::
About this Guide
I also indented this part of the code under the .. glossary::
command to get some kind of a block or box, but my headlines weren't highlited anymore and didn't work.
About this Guide
.. glossary:: About this Guide
In this try, my headline worked fine, but the glossary command was visible within my LaTeX PDF output, so I had it twice.
Is there any way to combine my headlines with a glossary command or to make the seperat glossary command from example 3 invisible?
directive as it is described at sphinx-doc.org/markup/para.html#directive-glossary. – Clevieglossary
directives sprinkled throughout the document. That is not how it works. If you want a single glossary at the end of your document, include oneglossary
directive in which you add all terms and definitions (by hand). – Clevie