I want to call functions from an AutoIt dll, that I found at C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoItX\AutoItX3.dll using Python. I know I could use win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoItX3.Control")
but I can't install the application or register anything in the system.
So far, this is where I am:
from ctypes import *
path = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoItX\AutoItX3.dll"
autoit = windll.LoadLibrary(path)
Here are the methods that works:
autoit.AU3_WinMinimizeAll() # windows were successfully minimized.
autoit.AU3_Sleep(1000) # sleeps 1 sec.
Here is my problem, python is crashing when I call other methods like this one. I get python.exe has stopped working from windows...
autoit.AU3_WinGetHandle('Untitled - Notepad', '')
And some other methods are not crashing python but are just not working. This one doesn't close the window and return 0:
autoit.AU3_WinClose('Untitled - Notepad', '')
And this other one return 1 but the window is still minimized:
autoit.AU3_WinActivate('Untitled - Notepad', '')
I've tested the examples with with Dispatch("AutoItX3.Control")
and everything is working like expected.
It seems like methods that should return something other than a string are crashing python. But still, others like WinClose
are not even working...
Thank you in advance for your help!
These methods are now working when using unicode strings:
autoit.AU3_WinClose(u'Untitled - Notepad', u'')
autoit.AU3_WinActivate(u'Untitled - Notepad', u'')
And I found the prototype for AU3_WinGetHandle
AU3_API void WINAPI AU3_WinGetHandle(const char szTitle, /[in,defaultvalue("")]*/const char *szText, char *szRetText, int nBufSize);
Now I can retrieve the return value using the following code!
from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR
s = LPCWSTR(u'')
print AU3_WinGetHandle(u'Untitled - Notepad', u'', s, 100) # prints 1
print s.value # prints '000705E0'!
Thank you to those who helped me!
for each function, instead of just calling it. That way, if Python can convert your arguments to the correct type it will, and otherwise it will give you an error. The way you're doing it, Python has to guess which type it should convert to, and if it guesses wrong, you'll crash. – Spongin