I want to use the Rotten Tomatoes API to search for movies.
I have an equivalent fully working application that uses TMDB rather than Rotten Tomatoes.
I use the standard JAX-RS Client, provided by JBoss RESTEasy with the RESTEasy Jackson2 provider (I can't post my API key of course):
public MovieSearchResults search(String query) {
return client
.queryParam("apikey", API_KEY)
.queryParam("q", query)
The MovieSearchResults class is simply a JAXB annotated class to bind the JSON.
The immediate problem is that the Rotten Tomatoes API is returning a response with a content-type of "text/javascript" for all of its JSON responses. They've shown a reluctance to change their services even though this is clearly the wrong content-type to set when returning JSON, so right now it is what it is.
The exception I get when I invoke the service is:
Exception in thread "main"
Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of
content-type text/javascript;charset=ISO-8859-1 and type class MovieSearchResults
So the question is: is there a simple way to get/configure the standard JAX-RS Client to recognise the returned "text/javascript" content-type as "application/json"?
These questions are similar, but the accepted answers appear to use JBoss-specific API and I'd like to do it only via the JAX-RS Client API.