I understood Group didn't work with multiple tuples and hence we had COGROUP in PIG. However, while checking today the GROUP command works for me. I am using PIG-0.12.0. My commands and outputs are as follows.
grunt> grpvar = GROUP C by $2, B by $2;
grunt> cogrpvar = COGROUP C by $2, B by $2;
grunt> describe grpvar;
grpvar: {group: chararray,C: {(pid: int,pname: chararray,drug: chararray,gender: chararray,tot_amt: int)},B: {(pid: int,pname: chararray,drug: chararray,gender: chararray,tot_amt: int)}}
grunt> describe cogrpvar;
cogrpvar: {group: chararray,C: {(pid: int,pname: chararray,drug: chararray,gender: chararray,tot_amt: int)},B: {(pid: int,pname: chararray,drug: chararray,gender: chararray,tot_amt: int)}}
Is GROUP expected to work like this? What is the difference between GROUP and COGROUP them?