I'm using AutoFixture in my unit and integration tests and ran into a problem. I'm generating data transfer objects and some of those classes have DataAnnotation attributes (some of which are custom) on the properties. AutoFixture sees those and doesn't generate data for them, presumably because it is unsure what data it is expecting.
An example of a custom validation attribute I'm using:
public class Person
public string FullName { get; set; }
[Enum("M", "F")]
public string Gender { get; set; }
public class EnumAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public EnumAttribute(params string[] allowedStrings)
if (allowedStrings == null || allowedStrings.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("allowedStrings");
AllowNull = true;
AllowedStrings = allowedStrings;
ErrorMessage = "The field '{0}' is invalid. Allowed strings are " + string.Join(", ", AllowedStrings);
// ... implementation
It just restricts a provided string to certain value (I couldn't use a straight up enum for other reasons).
How could I customize AutoFixture to create the appropriate data?