I have a list of 594 named ranges in a workbook with nearly 20 sheets, each sheet has about 200 columns of data. I need to find out where the named ranges are being used so as to remove irrelevant ones. I pasted a list of named ranges onto the sheet and then I tried to find if they were used in a formula by recording them, and then using the find method in all sheets and columns. The problem is despite using lookin xlformulas, it retrieves the named range even if it is just a text.
Here is my (updated) attempt (if it is not evident already, i am an amateur):
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Count = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
Dim locr(1 To 595)
Dim locc(1 To 595)
Dim locn(1 To 595)
Dim nam(1 To 595)
Dim rng As Range
For X = 1 To 595 'populate array with named ranges
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
nam(X) = ActiveCell.Value
Next X
For i = 1 To 595 'name loop
For j = 1 To (Count - 1) 'sheet loop
On Error Resume Next
Set orange = Sheets(j).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) 'limit range to cells that only contain formulas
On Error GoTo 20 'if no formulas in sheet, go to next sheet
If Not orange Is Nothing Then
Set rng = orange.Find(What:=nam(i), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False) 'find named range
If Not rng Is Nothing Then 'if named range found
Application.Goto rng, True 'go to cell where name range found and record address
locr(i) = ActiveCell.Row
locc(i) = ActiveCell.Column
locn(i) = ActiveSheet.Name
GoTo 10 'value found, go to next sheet
End If
End If
20 Next j
locr(i) = "" 'record empty since "rng" is empty
locr(i) = ""
locr(i) = ""
10 Next i
b = 1
For a = 1 To 595 'populate addresses of named ranges
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 2).Value = locr(a)
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 1).Value = locc(a)
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 0).Value = locn(a)
b = b + 1
Next a