I noticed that GHC wanted a type signature which I think should be inferred. I minimized my example down to this, which almost certainly does nothing meaningful (I don't recommend running it on your favorite types):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
TypeOperators, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Foo where
import Data.Typeable
data Bar rp rq
data Foo b = Foo (Foo b)
rebar :: forall rp rq rp' rp'' . (Typeable rp', Typeable rp'')
=> Proxy rp' -> Proxy rp'' -> Foo rp -> Foo (Bar rp rq)
rebar p1 p2 (Foo x) =
-- The signature for y should be inferred...
let y = rebar p1 p2 x -- :: Foo (Bar rp rq)
-- The case statement has nothing to do with the type of y
in case (eqT :: Maybe (rp' :~: rp'')) of
Just Refl -> y
Without a type signature on the definition of y
, I get the error:
Couldn't match type ‘rq0’ with ‘rq’
‘rq0’ is untouchable
inside the constraints (rp' ~ rp'')
bound by a pattern with constructor
Refl :: forall (k :: BOX) (a1 :: k). a1 :~: a1,
in a case alternative
at testsuite/Foo.hs:19:12-15
‘rq’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
rebar :: (Typeable rp', Typeable rp'') =>
Proxy rp' -> Proxy rp'' -> Foo rp -> Foo (Bar rp rq)
at testsuite/Foo.hs:12:20
Expected type: Foo (Bar rp rq)
Actual type: Foo (Bar rp rq0)
Relevant bindings include
y :: Foo (Bar rp rq0) (bound at testsuite/Foo.hs:16:7)
rebar :: Proxy rp' -> Proxy rp'' -> Foo rp -> Foo (Bar rp rq)
(bound at testsuite/Foo.hs:14:1)
In the expression: y
In a case alternative: Just Refl -> y
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Having been caught by the dreaded monomorphism restriction on multiple occassions, I turned on NoMonomorphismRestriction
, but that doesn't change the behavior.
Why is the type of y
not inferred to be the output type of the function?
_ -> error ""
doesn't work! – Coldblooded