it's used to make sure a value will be read/written in whole
That's just a small part of atomicity. At its core it means "uninterruptible", an instruction on a processor whose side-effects cannot be interleaved with another instruction. By design, a memory update is atomic when it can be executed with a single memory-bus cycle. Which requires the address of the memory location to be aligned so that a single cycle can update it. An unaligned access requires extra work, part of the bytes written by one cycle and part by another. Now it is not uninterruptible anymore.
Getting aligned updates is pretty easy, it is a guarantee provided by the compiler. Or, more broadly, by the memory model implemented by the compiler. Which simply chooses memory addresses that are aligned, sometimes intentionally leaving unused gaps of a few bytes to get the next variable aligned. An update to a variable that's larger than the native word size of the processor can never be atomic.
But much more important are the kind of processor instructions you need to make threading work. Every processor implements a variant of the CAS instruction, compare-and-swap. It is the core atomic instruction you need to implement synchronization. Higher level synchronization primitives, like monitors (aka condition variables), mutexes, signals, critical sections and semaphores are all built on top of that core instruction.
That's the minimum, a processor usually provide extra ones to make simple operations atomic. Like incrementing a variable, at its core an interruptible operation since it requires a read-modify-write operation. Having a need for it be atomic is very common, most any C++ program relies on it for example to implement reference counting.
volatility does not guarantee thread safety at all
It doesn't. It is an attribute that dates from much easier times, back when machines only had a single processor core. It only affects code generation, in particular the way a code optimizer tries to eliminate memory accesses and use a copy of the value in a processor register instead. Makes a big, big difference to code execution speed, reading a value from a register is easily 3 times faster than having to read it from memory.
Applying volatile ensures that the code optimizer does not consider the value in the register to be accurate and forces it to read memory again. It truly only matters on the kind of memory values that are not stable by themselves, devices that expose their registers through memory-mapped I/O. It has been abused heavily since that core meaning to try to put semantics on top of processors with a weak memory model, Itanium being the most egregious example. What you get with volatile today is strongly dependent on the specific compiler and runtime you use. Never use it for thread-safety, always use a synchronization primitive instead.
simply being atomic/volatile is thread-safe
Programming would be much simpler if that was true. Atomic operations only cover the very simple operations, a real program often needs to keep an entire object thread-safe. Having all its members updated atomically and never expose a view of the object that is partially updated. Something as simple as iterating a list is a core example, you can't have another thread modifying the list while you are looking at its elements. That's when you need to reach for the higher-level synchronization primitives, the kind that can block code until it is safe to proceed.
Real programs often suffer from this synchronization need and exhibit Amdahls' law behavior. In other words, adding an extra thread does not actually make the program faster. Sometimes actually making it slower. Whomever finds a better mouse-trap for this is guaranteed a Nobel, we're still waiting.
means only one thing - don't optimize out repeated accesses to a variable. It doesn't place any restraints on atomicity or operation reordering or cache coherency. – Engelhardt