As a developer I want to create a Maven project and build an executable standalone JAR application. (No Spring Boot)
During development and build processes I want to add a Drools Kie artifact as dependency
build my application as executable Jar and run it. My application has the code to call the Drools engine:
KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession();
Above all, whilst I deploy my application on production:
- I do not want to install Maven on my production server
- I do not want my application to scan a local nor remote Maven repository
- I want my application automatically scans periodically for a new version of my Drools Kie artifact without any reference to a Maven repository, just looking at the filesystem
I have tried with
String fileName = System.getenv("HOME") + "/libs/mydrools-1.0.0.jar";
File file = new File(fileName);
KieRepository kieRepository = ks.getRepository();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(ks.newReleaseId("com.mycompany", "mydrools", "1.0.0"));
KieScanner kScanner = ks.newKieScanner( kContainer );
kScanner.start( 10000L );
Loading the JAR works fine, but it seems that I am also forced to configure at least a minimal Maven repository (~/.m2 folder and a settings.xml). I get a heap of errors by the org.apache.maven plugin and related classes.
Of course I do not want my production environment to rely nor depend on any Maven configuration. I just want to run a JAR with another JAR (e.g. libs/mydrools-1.0.0.jar) as dependency and possibly dynamically reload that dependency whilst I update the libs/mydrools-1.0.0.jar.
Basically I need to set the internal Drools Kie Maven plugin completely disabled (offline).
How is it possible to do this with Drools 6.2.0.Final?
This issue is strictly related with
Using Drools 6 Maven architecture completely offline