This is not a code problem, I interpret the guidelines as that being OK.
I've been researching a way of building an infinitely scrolling calendar-like view in Android, but I've reached an impasse.
Right now my dilemma is that most of the similar views available have their children placed relative each other in a recurring style. With this I mean:
item 4 comes after item 3, which comes after item 2, and there is constant padding/margin between all items.
What I need is a way to produce an infinitely long scrollable view that may, or may not, contain items. The items should be placed at variable positions within the view. The best way I can describe a similar looking view is a one-day calendar-like view that is infinitely scrollable.
So far my best two bets are using the new RecyclerView
with a custom LayoutManager
(this seems very complex and still not perfectly documented by Google though). I like this approach because, among other things, it is optimized for displaying large sets in a limited view.
My other solution would be to build a completely custom View
. However, with that solution I loose the adapter unless I build a container view (which is probably more complex than building a layout manager).
How would you go about solving such a problem? Tips are appreciated, I don't need code examples, just ideas which path is the best to solve this problem.
Apologies if I've misunderstood the guidelines
Edit: How I resolved this problem My first solution to use RecyclerView with a special Decorator seemed promising, but it remained a "hack" so we decided not to go for that solution since we were afraid of the complications that it would create down the line.
To solve the problem I went with a SurfaceView instead of an Adapter, this means having to rewrite all the adapter-functionality for my SurfaceView but it seemed to be the best way of solving this issue of very custom drawing and layout managing for my use-case.
It still would be nice to build a custom Viewgroup that can handle this kind of layout problems.