1) How can I wrap text in a QGraphicsTextItem
to fit a fixed rectangle, with width and height ?
Right now I am experimenting with creating a text, getting its bounding rectangle, and resizing it to fit the box - but I can't get wrapping.
class TTT: public QGraphicsTextItem {
TTT() {
qreal x = m_itemSize.width()/boundingRect().width();
qreal y = m_itemSize.height()/boundingRect().height();
scale(x, y);
void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) {
// experiment with clip regions
// text gets covered by hole in clip
QRegion r0(boundingRect().toRect());
QRegion r1(QRect(5, 5, 10, 10), QRegion::Ellipse);
QRegion r2 = r0.subtracted(r1);
QGraphicsTextItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
What makes wrapping happen, how can I trigger it ?
Right now, as I keep typing, the box is automatically expanding.
2) Is it possible to wrap the text in a QGraphicsItem
/ QGraphicTextItem
subclass in a shape that is not a rectangle ?
(Something like in the image above)
I tried to use clipRegion
, see code above, but I guess it is not the right way to go, clipping cuts the text but did not wrap.
Maybe it would... If I could figure out how to wrap text in the first place ?
Qt 4.8
– Brae