What I would like to do is split a group of (n) items into groups of equal size (groups of size m, and for simplicity assume that there are no leftovers, i.e. n is divisible by m). Doing this multiple times, I would like to ensure that no pair of items is in the same group together twice.
To make this slightly more concrete, for building groups of two out of the six items A..F
, once could partition the set five times in different ways:
(A, B)
,(C, D)
,(E, F)
(A, C)
,(B, E)
,(D, F)
(A, D)
,(B, F)
,(C, E)
(A, E)
,(B, D)
,(C, F)
(A, F)
,(B, C)
,(D, E)
The same set of items can be partitioned only once into groups of three without overlapping pairs:
(A, B, C)
,(D, E, F)
(As @DavidHammen points out below, there are different ways of making the partition in this example. However, having made the partition once, there is never another, second split which keeps all pairs of items apart. That's fine -- my application doesn't need to generate all possibly ways of partitioning the set globally, one solution meeting the constraints will do)
My question, now, is this: Is there a way of doing this efficiently? Are there tricks to speed up the generation of these sets?
So, far, I've been treating this as an exact cover problem, and solving it with a backtracking algorithm (a variant of DLX). This works extremely well for pairs, but as the groups become larger the number of possibilities the algorithm has to consider explodes, and processing becomes very unwieldy.
What I'm looking for are tricks to speed things up. Any ideas are very welcome, in particular (but not limited to):
- Optimizations and heuristics to reduce the number of possibilities that need to be considered prior to solving (for example, it is clear from the examples above that the first split can be made simply arbitrarily, and the first set of each partition [the first column above] can be generated automatically).
- Are there variants of backtracking that can cope with huge amounts of candidates? (i.e. not needing to generate all possibilities beforehand)
- Other algorithms, approaches or mathematical concepts I should consider?
Any ideas and suggestions are very welcome. Thank you very much for considering this!
Ok, so this has been a while, but I spent a lot more time on this and wanted to get back to you. @david-eisenstat put me on the right path by giving me the correct search term (thank you so much!) -- I've since read quite a bit on the Social Golfer Problem.
One of the best resources that I found, that I would like to share here, is the work of Markus Triska, who discusses several approaches (and then goes on to present a very nice algorithm) in his thesis. This is highly recommended if anybody runs into a similar problem!
((A B D), (C E F))
and((A B E) (C D F))
, and at least six more? The question as stated doesn't specify why you've ruled out those combinations. – Wolcott