Hi I just added a new column Business_sys to my table my_table:
ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER business_sys TYPE set<text>;
But again I just droped this column name because I wanted to change the type of column:
ALTER TABLE my_table DROP business_sys;
Again when I tried to add the same colmn name with different type am getting error message
"Cannnot add a collection with the name business_sys because the collection with the same name and different type has already been used in past"
I just tried to execute this command to add a new column with different type-
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD business_sys list<text>;
What did I do wrong? I am pretty new to Cassandra. Any suggestions?
with the same name and then drop that again. After that you can add the same name column with a different collection type and cassandra allows the operation. Dirty workaround though! – Woebegone