I am learning basics of SPARQL with recent RDF-database released by the Finnish Ministry of Justice. It contains Finnish law data.
There are statutes, which have versions, which have a date and topics. I want to get the most recent versions that have a "gun" topic. So, I wrote this:
PREFIX sfl: <http://data.finlex.fi/schema/sfl/>
PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
SELECT ?stat ?vers ?dv
?stat rdf:type sfl:Statute .
?stat sfl:hasVersion ?vers .
?vers eli:version_date ?dv .
?vers eli:is_about ?top .
?top skos:prefLabel "Ase"@fi .
This returns four lines, with three statutes, one statute twice. This is because that statute has two versions, older and current. The two other statutes have only one version.
How do I get rid of the older version so I get only statutes with the most recent version? I tried using something like (MAX(?dv) AS ?ndv)
and grouping by ?stat and ?vers, but this doesn't work, as there are four distinct versions.
EDIT: Let me add a mock example of what happens.
The result of the original query looks like this:
stat | vers | dv
a | abc | x
a | cde | y(<x)
b | foo | z
c | fot | u
We see that statute "a" has two versions, "abc" and "cde" and the dv of version "abc" is later that dv of version "cde". The other two statutes "b" and "c" have only one version each, with dvs of "z" and "u".
The property of having topic "gun" is a property of vers. All the versions returned have that topic.
What I want to get is this:
stat | vers | dv
a | abc | x
b | foo | z
c | fot | u
In other words, I wish to get, for each statute, only the version with the highest or latest dv value.
PS. You are welcome to test this at http://yasgui.org/ Just type the query and you get the result.