I'm creating custom json readers for case classes but it can't find implicit JsonReader type class for List[T] which is used in other case class.
When I checked DefaultJsonProtocol, it has implicit format for collections already;
implicit def listFormat[T :JsonFormat] = new RootJsonFormat[List[T]] {
def write(list: List[T]) = JsArray(list.map(_.toJson).toVector)
def read(value: JsValue): List[T] = value match {
case JsArray(elements) => elements.map(_.convertTo[T])(collection.breakOut)
case x => deserializationError("Expected List as JsArray, but got " + x)
Here is the simplified code;
case class Test(i: Int, d: Double)
case class ListOfTest(t: List[Test])
trait TestResultFormat extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
import CustomFormat._
implicit object TestJsonFormat extends RootJsonReader[Test] {
override def read(json: JsValue): Test = {
val jsObject = json.asJsObject
val jsFields = jsObject.fields
val i = jsFields.get("i").map(_.convertTo[Int]).getOrElse(0)
val d = jsFields.get("d").map(_.convertTo[Double]).getOrElse(0d)
Test(i, d)
implicit object ListOfTestJsonFormat extends RootJsonReader[ListOfTest] {
override def read(json: JsValue): ListOfTest = {
val jsObject = json.asJsObject
val jsFields = jsObject.fields
val tests = jsFields.get("hs").map(_.convertTo[List[Test]]).getOrElse(List.empty)
Here is the errors;
Error:(230, 53) not enough arguments for method convertTo: (implicit evidence$1: spray.json.JsonReader[List[com.xx.Test]])List[com.xx.Test].
Unspecified value parameter evidence$1.
val tests = jsFields.get("hs").map(_.convertTo[List[Test]]).getOrElse(List.empty)
Error:(230, 53) Cannot find JsonReader or JsonFormat type class for List[com.xx.Test]
val tests = jsFields.get("hs").map(_.convertTo[List[Test]]).getOrElse(List.empty)