You can compare the coefficients list from each respective model (say mod1 and mod2), as in:
diff=merge(mod1$coefficients, mod2$coefficients, by=0, all=TRUE)
diff[order(diff$error, decreasing=TRUE),]
This produces a data frame sorted by the absolute value of the difference in coefficients, i.e.:
Row.names x y error
1 (Intercept) -0.264189182 -0.060450853 2.037383e-01
6 id 0.003402056 0.000000000 3.402056e-03
3 b -0.001804978 -0.003357193 1.552215e-03
2 a -0.049900767 -0.049417150 4.836163e-04
4 c 0.013749907 0.013819799 6.989203e-05
5 d -0.004097366 -0.004110830 1.346320e-05
If the slopes are not what you are after, you can access the other coefficients using the coef() function:
To get Pr(>|z|), for example, use: