My goal is to:
- reading a file from S3,
- changing its metadata
- Push it out to S3 again
AWS java SDK doesn't allow outputstreams to be pushed. Therefore, I have to convert the outputstream
from step2 to inputstream
. For this I decided to use PipedInputStream
However, my code just hangs in the writeTo(out);
step. This code is in a grails application. When the code hangs the CPU is not in high consumption:
import org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.jpeg.xmp.JpegXmpRewriter;
AmazonS3Client client = nfile.getS3Client() //get S3 client
S3Object object1 = client.getObject(
new GetObjectRequest("test-bucket", "myfile.jpg")) //get the object.
InputStream isNew1 = object1.getObjectContent(); //create input stream
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PipedInputStream inpipe = new PipedInputStream();
final PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream(inpipe);
try {
String xmpXml = "<x:xmpmeta>" +
"\n<Lifeshare>" +
"\n\t<Date>"+"some date"+"</Date>" +
"\n</Lifeshare>" +
JpegXmpRewriter rewriter = new JpegXmpRewriter();
rewriter.updateXmpXml(isNew1,os, xmpXml); //This is step2
try {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run () {
try {
// write the original OutputStream to the PipedOutputStream
println "starting writeto"
println "ending writeto"
} catch (IOException e) {
// logging and exception handling should go here
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
metadata.setContentLength(1024); //just testing
client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest("test-bucket", "myfile_copy.jpg", inpipe, metadata));
} catch (IOException e) {
// logging and exception handling should go here
finally {
The above code just prints starting writeto
and hangs. it does not print ending writeto
By putting the writeTo
in a separate thread, the file is now being written to S3, however, only 1024 bytes of it being are written. The file is incomplete. How can I write everything from outputstream to S3?