I have the following
srcset="/img/footer/logo_white.png?v=2.0 1x,
/img/footer/logo_white2x.png?v=2.0 2x"
which works fine on normal and hiDPI screens.
But when the viewport's very small (below 400px) the logo doesn't fit therefore I need a smaller version of the image in terms of real length, which I created. Then I tried
sizes="(max-width: 390px) 110px, 175px"
srcset="/img/footer/biw_logo_small.png?v=2.0 110w,
/img/footer/biw_logo.png?v=2.0 175w,
/img/footer/biw_logo2x.png?v=2.0 350w"
Which works in terms of showing the _small image for viewports lower than 390 pixels - but now I've lost the "high resolution" factor; I cannot force the iOS browser in iphone5s to display a 220px image in length of 110px with the above syntax.
Could you correct my syntax?
<img class="biw-logo" sizes="(max-width: 390px) 110px, 175px" src="http://placehold.it/175x75" srcset="http://placehold.it/110x50 110w,
http://placehold.it/175x75 175w, http://placehold.it/350x150 350w">
descriptors work. You can find details about the browser support here: caniuse.com/#feat=srcset – Misrepresentw
descriptors) and the rest works fine. – Pairs