I have a collection 'name' with 2 documents of the structure :
doc 1:
a: 1
b : [{name:"AAA",age:10},
doc 2 :
a: 2
b : [{name:"DDD",age:14},
Since I am new to MongoDB, I am trying to find the difference of using the $elemMatch operator and not using it. Basically I am trying to query and find the first doc ( doc 1) with name AAA and age 10. So using the $elemMatch, my query looks like this :
db.name.find({b: {$elemMatch :{name:"AAA",age:10}}})
This query works perfectly fine, but my question is that what's the need to use this query when I can query like this :
I am sure there should be some reason for $elemMatch, just trying to find the difference. Thanks in advance for the reply !!!
but notdb.name.find({"b.name":"AAA","b.age":10})
. So the second query is theoretically $elemMatch in OP's use case. – Shayla