First time posting, thanks for the great community!
I am using AudioKit
and trying to add frequency weighting filters to the microphone input and so I am trying to understand the values that are coming out of the AudioKit AKFFTTap.
Currently I am trying to just print the FFT buffer converted into dB values
for i in 0..<self.bufferSize {
let db = 20 * log10((self.fft?.fftData[Int(i)])!)
I was expecting values ranging in the range of about -128 to 0, but I am getting strange values of nearly -200dB and when I blow on the microphone to peg out the readings it only reaches about -60. Am I not approaching this correctly? I was assuming that the values being output from the EZAudioFFT engine would be plain amplitude values and that the normal dB conversion math would work. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any discussion about this issue!