To understand the nature of the partial match flag for the '364 S Side Square, Carlinville, IL 62626, USA' let's have a look at this address in geocoder tool:
Indeed, the search string and formatted address in the result are exactly the same, however, we have to pay attention to other values like location_type
and place_id
As you can see the location type is RANGE_INTERPOLATED and the place ID has a long value Ei0zNjQgUyBTaWRlIFNxdWFyZSwgQ2FybGludmlsbGUsIElMIDYyNjI2LCBVU0E
. This means Google doesn't have an exact address feature in their database and tries to interpolate where this address might be located. In case if address exists in the Google database, you will see a location type ROOFTOP and a shorter place ID (something similar to ChIJrTLr-GyuEmsRBfy61i59si0).
Resuming aforementioned, the partial match flag in your example indicates that exact street address feature doesn't exist in the Google database.
This also can be confirmed by the following sentence in the documentation:
Partial matches most often occur for street addresses that do not exist within the locality you pass in the request.
You also have an option to report a missing address to Google following the help center:
I hope my answer addresses your doubt!