Based on the answer here (Python write create file directly in FTP) and my own knowledge about ftplib:
What you can do is the following:
from ftplib import FTP
import io, pandas
session = FTP('***', '****','****')
# get filenames on ftp home/root
remoteFilenames = session.nlst()
if ".." in remoteFilenames:
if "." in remoteFilenames:
# iterate over filenames and check which ones are folder
for filename in remoteFilenames:
dirTest = session.nlst(filename)
# This dir test does not work on certain servers
if dirTest and len(dirTest) > 1:
# its a directory => go to directory
# get filename for on ftp one level deeper
remoteFilenames2 = session.nlst()
if ".." in remoteFilenames2:
if "." in remoteFilenames2:
for filename in remoteFilenames2:
# check again if the filename is a directory and this time ignore it in this case
dirTest = session.nlst(filename)
if dirTest and len(dirTest) > 1:
# download the file but first create a virtual file object for it
download_file = io.BytesIO()
session.retrbinary("RETR {}".format(filename), download_file.write) # after writing go back to the start of the virtual file
pandas.read_csv(download_file) # read virtual file into pandas
# do your thing with pandas here
download_file.close() # close virtual file
session.quit() # close the ftp session
Alternatively if you know the structure of the ftpserver you could loop over a dictionary with the folder/file structure and download the files via ftplib or urllib like in the example:
for folder in {"folder1": ["file1", "file2"], "folder2": ["file1"]}:
for file in folder:
path = "/{}/{}".format(folder, file)
# specific ftp file download stuff here
# do your thing with pandas here
Both solution can be optimized by making them recursive or in general support more than one level of folders