I'm confused in difference between Tests and Steps in testng extent report.
I have 2 test cases as 1 pass and 1 fail. In extent report under Test: 1 test(s) passed 1 test(s) failed, 0 others and under Steps: 1 step(s) passed 2 step(s) failed, 0 others
So would anyone clarify what is the difference between both ?
Attaching code snippet and testng extent report
public void demoTestPass()
test = extent.createTest("demoTestPass", "This test will demonstrate the PASS test case");
public void demoTestFail()
test = extent.createTest("demoTestFail", "This test will demonstrate the FAIL test case");
Assert.assertEquals("Hi", "Hello");
Please click for Extent report here.
Any clarification would be much appreciated.