We are about to start entering the beta process of our Zapier app and I have this question which I couldn't find an answer in the Zapier documentation:
The problem is regarding the staging and production environments. We have 2 Zapier apps setup, one for each environment. The production application is the one obviously intended to go beta and public eventually, but all the development is done in the second app, the staging one.
Our clients, even the ones we need to invite to enter beta, do not have access to staging accounts, and most of our developers do not have access to production accounts as well.
Each of those applications are also supposed to connect to different base domains, the staging Zapier application, of course, connects to one of our staging servers, and the production Zapier application will need to use another base domain, the same our clients use.
What I am trying to find is a mechanism in the Zapier API that will allow me to conditionally select which base domain to use based on something that can tell me which environment this app is supposed to use.
If the whole idea of 2 Zapier applications is also not the recommended way, I am open to directions of how we are supposed to be doing this.