I have a pom.xml
file that includes my project version like this
<version> 1.14.0 </version>
and I also have a YAML file that autogenerates a GitHub tag when the tests have passed and it's like this
- job: createTag
dependsOn: ifBranchIsMaster
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')
- task: GitHubRelease@0
displayName: ‘Create GitHub Release’
gitHubConnection: $(GITHUB_CONNECTION)
repositoryName: $(GITHUB_REPO)
action: create
tag: 1.14.0
and I want to remove from my YAML file the hard-coded version tag and read it from pom.xml
immediately is there any way that can happen I try to minimize the hard-coded version to 1. I want to change it in 1 place and change everywhere.