Bounding box of multiple overlapping rectangles
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enter image description here

How can I get the bounding boxes of multiple overlapping rectangles? There might be multiple bounding boxes if there are rectangles that don't overlap.

I have an array containing n objects representing the rectangles. Each object is representing a rectangle the following way: {left: 178, top: 67, width: 20, height: 14} They can be represented other ways as well like leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY; it can be converted easily.

I'm not looking for non-max surpression algorithm. Is there a specific algorithm in literature that can achieve this? I'll try to convert it after in JavaScript.

Edit: AuxTaco solution works as long as the rectangles are overlapping one after the other; if you draw the rectangles in the order specified like in the picture below you get 3 bounding areas.

enter image description here

Edit2: Maybe an interesting case would be the following: enter image description here

Rectangle 1 and 2 overlap and their bounding box overlaps rectangle 3; however I'm not interested in this particular case and 3 could be treated as a separate rectangle.

Adrell answered 15/8, 2019 at 16:34 Comment(4)
What happens when there are 5 rectangles and 1,2 intersect, 3,4 intersect, 5 is isolated. What is the expected output in this case?Mover
3 bounding boxes; one for 1,2; one for 3,4; one for 5.Adrell
Can you add example cooridinates for such a case?Mover
@tarunLalwani {left: 74, top: 66.89999389648438, width: 80.5, height: 71} {left: 111.5, top: 95.89999389648438, width: 125, height: 84} {left: 177, top: 120.89999389648438, width: 168.5, height: 90} {left: 93, top: 258.8999938964844, width: 81.5, height: 81} {left: 265.5, top: 320.8999938964844, width: 92, height: 83} {left: 393, top: 210.89999389648438, width: 88.5, height: 95}Adrell

So I have laid out a approach, which should work for you. The summary of approach is below

  • Start with a empty collision array
  • Each element in collision array will store array of rectangles which collide with any of the rectangles
  • Run through list of rectangles we have
  • If rectangle doesn't collide with any element append it to collision
  • If rectangle collides with exactly one element then append it to that element of collision array
  • If rectangle collides with multiple elements in array then we merge all such elements into one and then remove rest of the elements
  • Finally the collision array has only elements which are collision arrays
  • Then you can compute bounding rectangle for each of these collisions, which is just a min/max problem

Now to the code

function doRectsCollide(a, b) {
    return !(
        (( + a.height) < ( ||
        ( > ( + b.height)) ||
        ((a.left + a.width) < b.left) ||
        (a.left > (b.left + b.width))

var collisions = [];

var rectangles = [
    {left: 74, top: 66.89999389648438, width: 80.5, height: 71},
    {left: 111.5, top: 95.89999389648438, width: 125, height: 84},
    {left: 177, top: 120.89999389648438, width: 168.5, height: 90},
    {left: 93, top: 258.8999938964844, width: 81.5, height: 81},
    {left: 265.5, top: 320.8999938964844, width: 92, height: 83},
    {left: 393, top: 210.89999389648438, width: 88.5, height: 95}

for (rectangle of rectangles) {
    var collisions_indexes = [];

    index = 0;
    for (currentColission of collisions) {
        for (rect of currentColission) {
            if (doRectsCollide(rect, rectangle) === true) {

    if (collisions_indexes.length == 0) {
        // this rectangle collides with none and should be appened to collisions array
    } else if (collisions_indexes.length >= 1) {
        // there is just one collision, we can merge the same

        // now we have got multiple collisions, so we need to merge all the collisions with the first one
        // and remove the colission ones
        for (var i = 1; i < collisions_indexes.length; i++) {
            // we use - (i - 1) because we will remove the collision once we merge it
            // so after each merge the collision index actually shift by -1

            var new_index = collisions_indexes[i] - (i - 1);
            // extend the first colliding array with the new collision match

            // now we remove the element from our collision since it is merged with some other
            collisions.splice(new_index, 1);


console.log(JSON.stringify(collisions, null, 2));
//now we have a array of collision which will have all colliding ones
for (collision of collisions) {
    // compute bounding rectangle from rectangles array in collision

Now the output of the same is

Mover answered 18/8, 2019 at 5:16 Comment(3)
in the last line EACH element of collisions array should have one rectangle or an array of rectangles that collide correct? In this case the output of collisions array is which is exactly the rectangles array from the beginningAdrell
@Shury, check now, there was a minor issue in the inner loop, instead of using collision I had used collisions, rest all logic worked fine without a changeMover
thank you very much for your help. I understood how the algorithm works :)Adrell

I don't know the name of a specific algorithm, but this can be reduced to 2D collision detection:

function combineRects (rect1, rect2) {
  return a rectangle object representing the bounding box of the union of rect1 and rect2;
function doRectsCollide (rect1, rect2) {
  return true if rect1 and rect2 intersect;

const rectangles = [ your rectangle objects ];
const boundingBoxes = rectangles.reduce((boxes, rect) => {
  // Start with an empty array of bounding boxes.
  // For each rectangle, find the bounding box it intersects.
  const boundingBoxIndex = boxes.findIndex(doRectsCollide.bind(null, rect));
  if (boundingBoxIndex === -1) {
    // If there is none, push the rectangle into the bounding box array.
    return boxes;
  } else {
    // Otherwise,
    // replace the intersected bounding box with a new box that includes the rectangle.
    boxes[boundingBoxIndex] = combineRects(boxes[boundingBoxIndex], rect);
    return boxes;
}, []);

This is pretty efficient in your example (each rectangle is compared to a maximum of 3 others), but slows down to O(n^2) in the worst case, no overlapping rectangles. It can be improved by using something better than a raw array to store the bounding boxes.

Quiet answered 16/8, 2019 at 23:9 Comment(1)
Hmm, I found an issue with the code above. Conside the following order to get the rectangles: The output of this is 3 elements (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]Adrell

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