When trying to install qt4 for python 2.7 (that I need to run some scripts written by other developers):
$ sudo pip install PyQt4
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt4 (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for PyQt4
Additional information:
$ python --version
Python 2.7.15+
$ pip list
Package Version
---------- -------
numpy 1.16.5
pip 19.3
pyqtgraph 0.10.0
setuptools 41.4.0
wheel 0.33.6
Any suggestion on how to install it?
Please note that I have tried the solution proposed here:
pip install PyQt4-4.11.4-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
ERROR: PyQt4-4.11.4-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
I guess because it is not a windows platform, isn't it? I am trying to install it on XUbuntu 18.04.
As suggested in one of the comment by @phd "PyQt4-4.11.4-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl is for Python 3.5 and Python 64-bit. You need to download wheel for Python 2.7".
I have tryed also:
$ pip install PyQt4‑4.11.4‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
Requirement 'PyQt4‑4.11.4‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl' looks like a filename, but the file does not exist
PyQt4‑4.11.4‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl is not a valid wheel filename.
So the question can be: how to install the right version? How to find the right packet? My problem is exactly this one: I do not know how to move myself in this big forest. Thank you for every suggestion.
is for Python 3.5 and Python 64-bit. You need to download wheel for Python 2.7. – Emlynnpip
orconda install
and (2) how to find the right path in this specific case – Hammock