I'm brand spanking new to react. I am officially done beating my head against a wall. I just can't figure this out. This is my situation:
I am trying to get the results of an API call into a table. I have the call to the API working and results coming back. I am stuck on how to get my array updated with the data that came back. After that is done then I can populate the table with the data (at least logically that's the way what my brain tells me).
Initial form state setup:
const initialFormState = {
fileTypeId : '',
companyMasterId: '',
investmentCompanyId: '',
startDate: '',
endDate: '',
result: '',
fileLogs: []
All of the fields above are fields on the form\database. The API call takes these parameters to call a stored procedure that returns a result set based on the search parameters. fileLogs[] is where I want to put the data that comes back. I wasn't sure if I need to move it out of this setup and use useState just for that as a separate thing?
reducer initialization:
const [formState, dispatch] = useReducer (formReducer, initialFormState)
reducer setup
import actionTypes from "./actionTypes"
const formReducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.handle_input_text:
return {
//using the spread operator (…state) to copy across all the properties and values from the state object.
//then we can modify the values of specific state properties by explicitly declaring them again with a new value.
[action.field]: action.payload,
case actionTypes.toggle_consent:
hasConsented: !state.hasConsented
case actionTypes.on_success:
return{...state, filelogs: action.payload}
return state
export default formReducer
API call
function getFileRouteLogs (e) {
// dispatch({
// type: actionTypes.on_success,
// // payload: [...formState.fileLogs, response.data]
// payload: response.data
// })
formState.fileLogs = response.data
Handler for form input changes
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
type: actionTypes.handle_input_text,
field: e.target.name,
payload: e.target.value
Form for input
return (
<h1>File Route Log Search</h1>
<hr />
<h2>Form field area</h2>
<Form onSubmit={getFileRouteLogs}>
<FormGroup row>
<Label for="fileTypeId" sm={2}>FileTypeId</Label>
<Col sm={2}>
<Input type="text" name="fileTypeId" value={formState.fileTypeId} onChange={(e) => handleInputChange(e)}></Input>
<FormGroup row>
<Label for="companyMasterId" sm={2}>CompanyMasterId</Label>
<Col sm={2}>
<Input id="companyMasterId" type="text" name="companyMasterId" value={formState.companyMasterId} onChange={(e) => handleInputChange(e)} ></Input>
Attempted table setup to hold data
const FileRouteLogTable = ({formState}) => {
return (
<table className="table">
{ (formState.length > 0) ? formState.map( (form, index) => {
return (
<tr key={ index }>
<td>{ form.fileRouteLogId }</td>
<td>{ form.companyMasterId }</td>
<td>{ form.fileTypeId}</td>
<td>{ form.result }</td>
<td>{ form.investmentCompanyMasterId }</td>
<td>{ form.fileName }</td>
}) : <tr><td colSpan="5">Enter search parameters...</td></tr> }
export default FileRouteLogTable
I was going to try to use a react-table, but I got stuck on updating the data before I could do any table stuff
import { useTable } from 'react-table'
function FileRouteLogTable({ columns, formState }) {
// Use the state and functions returned from useTable to build your UI
const {
} = useTable({
return (
<table {...getTableProps()}>
{headerGroups.map(headerGroup => (
<tr {...headerGroup.getHeaderGroupProps()}>
{headerGroup.headers.map(column => (
<th {...column.getHeaderProps()}>{column.render('Header')}</th>
<tbody {...getTableBodyProps()}>
{rows.map((row, i) => {
return (
<tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
{row.cells.map(cell => {
return <td {...cell.getCellProps()}>{cell.render('Cell')}</td>
export default FileRouteLogTable
Any help would be greatly appreciated. All the examples I look at don't have my combination of factors:
- functional component
- use useReducer
- use axios
- everything not on one page
- does not do an API GET call on page load using useEffect
- does not just display the results in the console log
UPDATE I fixed the casing issue that @johannchopin mentioned and changed the payload. I still didn't have any data in the table so I changed the table logic from:
{ (formState.length > 0) ? formState.map( (form, index) => {
{ (formState.fileLogs.length > 0) ? formState.fileLogs.map( (form, index) => {
and data is in the table