*I couldn't find any info online about the exact same issue I'm having
I'm using Visual Studio 2022. Last time, I was working on a C# library, and closed the IDE. I saved all source files, but I didn't save changes to the solution file itself, which is what VS offered me to do when I attempted to close the IDE. I didn't think much of it, since the solution file pretty much holds info about the solution itself, like projects, programming language, etc.
Now, I'm opening a solution with Visual Studio. The tabs for source files are still open, but they're not showing in the Solution Explorer. They were showing in Solution Explorer previously, before I re-opened the solution. Please look at the image below - tabs show fine, Solution Explorer on the other hand, on the right side, is not: In the image above, look at the text below Logger.cs tab. You probably can't read this language, but instead of displaying the source file, it just says "Other files".
I tried clicking the Refresh button in the Solution Explorer, but that changes nothing.
Just to clarify, these files are indeed there. From Windows Explorer, this is what the solution directory looks like:
One file Visual Studio shows is Class1.cs. Just an empty class file. This is a default source file for Class Libraries (.NET Framework in this project), I've never edited it, probably why it's there.
I just want to know, is this a bug in Visual Studio, or it's entirely normal, that can or cannot be fixed? If it can, how can I fix the issue?
Any help would be appreciated.