I'm trying to generate a static google map with some points on it, and some lines connecting these points (I'm soon going to make the lines correspond with the driving directions, but that comes later). Right now I've got code like this to generate the URL:
def getStaticMapAddress(self, route):
url = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center="+str(route[0].location.lat)+","+str(route[0].location.lng)+"&zoom=6&size=400x400&markers="
while i<len(route):
url += str(route[i].location.lat)+","+str(route[i].location.lng)
if (i < len(route)):
url += "|"
url += "&path=color:0xff0000ff&weight:5"
while i<len(route):
url += "|"+str(route[i].location.lat)+","+str(route[i].location.lng)
url += "&sensor=false"
return url
In this function, the 'route' is a list of users with associated locations. With my test data, this URL was generated:
If you look at that static map, you can see the markers but not the paths. I've been looking at the documentation for this (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/#Paths) and I can't see where I've gone wrong. Looking at the examples my URL seems to have the exact same format as the examples. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?