We have ASP.NET app that connects to oracle database with odp.net.
Lately we started to experienced some performance issues. It seems that Oracle connections do not close and eventually pile up until it crash our website.
As a first step we did a code review and we made sure that we close all open connections after executing.
OracleConnection cn = Helpers.ConnectToDB();
//do somtehing
catch (Exception ex)
//log error
but that didn't help, every several hours the connections are piling up and crash our website.
Here is the connections log from yesterday:
19/01/2012 14:40:03 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 1
19/01/2012 14:38:00 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 2
19/01/2012 14:35:57 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 2
19/01/2012 14:34:55 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 28
19/01/2012 14:33:54 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 26
19/01/2012 14:31:51 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 34
19/01/2012 14:30:49 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 96
19/01/2012 14:29:47 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 73
19/01/2012 14:28:46 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 119
19/01/2012 14:27:44 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 161
19/01/2012 14:26:43 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 152
19/01/2012 14:25:41 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 109
19/01/2012 14:24:40 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 74
19/01/2012 14:23:38 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 26
19/01/2012 14:22:36 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 2
19/01/2012 14:21:35 WORKGROUP\OTH-IIS-1 ACTIVE 2
Crash point occurred at 14:27:44 and after restarting the application the connections started to drop down.
the connection string we using is:
<add name="OracleRead" connectionString="Data Source=xxx;User Id=yyy;Password=zzz;Max Pool Size=250;Connection Timeout=160;" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess"/>
So what is the problem here?
Do we need to define or change one of these properties:
Connection Lifetime, Decr Pool Size, Max Pool Size, Min Pool Size?
What is the recommended settings in this situation?