I'm trying to determine if the JVM (using jdk 1.7u3) -server option is enabled by default on my JVM instances. Based on my environment (Windows 2008 Server R2) and the Server-Class Machine detection information I'd expected it to be set though I'd like to know explicitly. Of course I could explicitly launch the JVM with the option, and I most probably will though is there a simply way to determine same.
I have already tried the following approaches, though neither seems to explicitly state what I'm looking for. Perhaps its encoded in some other details.
- View JVM via jVisualVM and look at JVM Arguments, not listed explicitly
Programatically attempted to view the JVM arguments, matches those observed via jVisualVM
RuntimeMXBean RuntimemxBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); List<String> arguments = RuntimemxBean.getInputArguments();
Use JVM option -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags, this provided verbose details though still no evidence that the -server option was set.