- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
An NSView will not pass this to the next view, This method looks to see that the current class has a menuForEvent:, if it does then it is called. If it does not then it is finished and nothing else will happen. This is why you will not see an NSTableCellView respond to a menuForEvent: because the table view swallows the rightMouseDown:.
You may subclass the tableview and handle the rightMouseDown: event and call the NSTableCellView's rightMouseDown: and handle displaying your menu that you have constructed in your storyboard and hooked up to your NSTableViewCell.
Here is my solution in a subclassed NSTableView:
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
for (NSTableRowView *rowView in self.subviews) {
for (NSView *tableCellView in [rowView subviews]) {
if (tableCellView) {
NSPoint eventPoint = [event locationInWindow];
// NSLog(@"Window Point: %@", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:nil];
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:self];
// NSLog(@"Table View Point: %@", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
NSRect newRect = [tableCellView convertRect:[tableCellView bounds] toView:self];
// NSLog(@"Rect: %@", NSStringFromRect(newRect));
BOOL rightMouseDownInTableCellView = [tableCellView mouse:eventPoint inRect:newRect];
// NSLog(@"Mouse in view: %hhd", mouseInView);
if (rightMouseDownInTableCellView) {
if (tableCellView) {
// Lets be safe and make sure that the object is going to respond.
if ([tableCellView respondsToSelector:@selector(rightMouseDown:)]) {
[tableCellView rightMouseDown:event];
This will find where the right mouse event occurred, check to see if we have the correct view and pass the rightMouseDown: to that view.
Please let me know if this solution works for you.