According to documentation CLOB and NCLOB datatype columns, can store up to 8 terabytes of character data.
I have text, which contains 100 000 character, how can I run query like this:
UPDATE my_table SET clob_column = 'text, which contains 100 000 characters'
WHERE id = 1
If in text, character count is up to 32767, there is possible to use PL/SQL anonymous block:
myvar VARCHAR2(15000);
myvar := 'text, which contains 100 000 characters';
UPDATE my_table SET clob_column = myvar
WHERE id = 1;
What is solution, where text is very large and contains for example 100 000 characters ?
I am trying with dbms_lob.append
create table t1 (c clob);
c1 clob;
c2 clob;
c1 := 'abc';
c2 := 'text, which contains 100 000 characters';
dbms_lob.append(c1, c2);
insert into t1 values (c1);
Though, also got error: string literal too long
I am doing something wrong ?
directly. If the data comes from an application, you can use whatever language it is written to interact with the clob objects direcly. – Lathan