I was having trouble doing this and managed to figure it out converting the C? approach to working out the bearing degree.
I worked this out using 4 coordinate points
Start Latitude
Start Longitude
End Latitude
End Longitude
Here's the code:
protected double bearing(double startLat, double startLng, double endLat, double endLng){
double latitude1 = Math.toRadians(startLat);
double latitude2 = Math.toRadians(endLat);
double longDiff= Math.toRadians(endLng - startLng);
double y= Math.sin(longDiff)*Math.cos(latitude2);
double x=Math.cos(latitude1)*Math.sin(latitude2)-Math.sin(latitude1)*Math.cos(latitude2)*Math.cos(longDiff);
return (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x))+360)%360;
Just change the variable names were needed.
Output bearing to a TextView
Hope it helped!
is not the right method. – Panjabi