I've been looking for the last couple of days for a decent Grid widget with proper knockout bindings; decent grid meaning to have support for filtering, grouping, paging, sorting, aggregates, templates, remote source, etc. Doesn't matter the licence free or commercial. The problem is that all that I found have no/incomplete knockout bindings.
KO support:
- Kendo UI: incomplete
- DevExpress: no support
- Wijmo: most promissing but still incomplete, and example uses the old ko version 2.1
- JQGrid: poor
I am thinking to go all the distance with knockout meaning that I want to be able to control not only the grid's data source but also the behavior. For instance, one basic feature I am looking for is the ability to control paging (with ko bindings) since my data source can have hundred of thousands of records and I don't want to bring everything on the client.
Do you know any other grid widget that takes ko seriously?
Or do you think I should go for a custom solution?