itself involves autoboxing because the primitive float 2f
is implicitly converted to a Float
before it's returned. Now when you write
float resultOne = testReturnFloat();
the result is again unboxed to produce a primitive float
which is then assigned to resultOne
When you write
Float resultTwo = testReturnFloat();
nothing special happens. The Float
returned by testReturnFloat()
is assigned to resultTwo
Really the best way to understand this is to look at the bytecode. Here's the bytecode for testReturnFloat()
public java.lang.Float testReturnFloat();
0: fconst_2
1: invokestatic #57 // Method java/lang/Float.valueOf:(F)Ljava/lang/Float;
4: areturn
As you can see, Float.valueOf()
is invoked on 2f
). This is the autoboxing I was talking about.
Now for your client code:
float resultOne = testReturnFloat();
0: invokestatic #16 // Method testReturnFloat:()Ljava/lang/Float;
3: invokevirtual #20 // Method java/lang/Float.floatValue:()F
6: fstore_1
Notice that unboxing occurs via Float#floatValue()
Float resultTwo = testReturnFloat();
7: invokestatic #16 // Method testReturnFloat:()Ljava/lang/Float;
10: astore_2
As I said, nothing special; the return value of testReturnFloat()
is just stored in resultTwo