I'm having problems with TPL programming.
I'm getting UnobservedTaskException while using @h4165f8ghd4f854d6f8h solution on [ https://mcmap.net/q/17085/-a-task-39-s-exception-s-were-not-observed-either-by-waiting-on-the-task-or-accessing-its-exception-property-as-a-result-the-unobserved-exception-was/11830087#11830087 ] to handle exceptions but still getting UnobservedTaskException.
I added the following code before starting tasks too:
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += (sender, e) =>
throw e.Exception;
but [ https://mcmap.net/q/17086/-exception-thrown-in-task-thread-not-caught-by-unobservedtaskexception ] telling it won't catch every TPL unhandled exception.
I want propagate exceptions until reach top of stack then deal with it.
Can someone help me????
@Jon Skeet
Hi, I did a smaller repro, thanks for checking
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
public void tplTestOne()
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += (sender, e) =>
throw e.Exception;
Task tsk_1 = MyClassHere.createHandledTask(() =>
double x = 1;
x = (x + 1) / x;
}, false);
Task tsk_2 = MyClassHere.createHandledTask(() =>
double y = 0;
throw new Exception("forced_divisionbyzerodontthrowanymore_test"); // here -> System.Exception was unhandled by user code
}, true);
Task tsk_3 = MyClassHere.createHandledTask(() =>
double z = 1;
z = (z + 1) / z;
}, true);
Task tsk_4 = MyClassHere.createHandledTask(() =>
double k = 1;
k = (k + 1) / k;
}, true);
public static class MyClassHere
public static void waitForTsk(Task t)
catch (AggregateException ae)
ae.Handle((err) =>
throw err;
public static void throwFirstExceptionIfHappens(this Task task)
task.ContinueWith(t =>
var aggException = t.Exception.Flatten();
foreach (var exception in aggException.InnerExceptions)
throw exception; // throw only first, search for solution
TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); // not valid for multi task continuations
public static Task createHandledTask(Action action)
return createHandledTask(action, false);
public static Task createHandledTask(Action action, bool attachToParent)
Task tsk = null;
if (attachToParent)
TaskCreationOptions atp = TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent;
tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(action, atp);
tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(action);
return tsk;