Outlaw Lemur has descibed in detail most of the issues you may encounter in real-world scenarios.
Using Kinect for Windows version 2, you do not need to adjust the motor, since there is no motor and the sensor has a larger field of view. This will make your life much easier.
I would like to add the following tips and advice:
1) Avoid direct light (physical or internal lighting)
Kinect has an infrared sensor that might be confused. This sensor should not have direct contact with any light sources. You can emulate such an environment at your home/office by playing with an ordinary laser pointer and torches.
2) If you are tracking only one person, select the closest tracked user
If your app only needs one player, that player needs to be a) fully tracked and b) closer to the sensor than the others. It's an easy way to make participants understand who is tracked without making your UI more complex.
public static Body Default(this IEnumerable<Body> bodies)
Body result = null;
double closestBodyDistance = double.MaxValue;
foreach (var body in bodies)
if (body.IsTracked)
var position = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position;
var distance = position.Length();
if (result == null || distance < closestBodyDistance)
result = body;
closestBodyDistance = distance;
return result;
3) Use the tracking IDs to distinguish different players
Each player has a TrackingID property. Use that property when players interfere or move at random positions. Do not use that property as an alternative to face recognition though.
ulong _trackinfID1 = 0;
ulong _trackingID2 = 0;
void BodyReader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
using (var frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
if (frame != null)
var bodies = _bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).ToList();
if (bodies != null && bodies.Count >= 2 && _trackinfID1 == 0 && _trackingID2 == 0)
_trackinfID1 = bodies[0].TrackingId;
_trackingID2 = bodies[1].TrackingId;
// Alternatively, specidy body1 and body2 according to their distance from the sensor.
Body first = bodies.Where(b => b.TrackingId == _trackinfID1).FirstOrDefault();
Body second = bodies.Where(b => b.TrackingId == _trackingID2).FirstOrDefault();
if (first != null)
// Do something...
if (second != null)
// Do something...
4) Display warnings when a player is too far or too close to the sensor.
To achieve higher accuracy, players need to stand at a specific distance: not too far or too close to the sensor. Here's how to check this:
const double MIN_DISTANCE = 1.0; // in meters
const double MAX_DISTANCE = 4.0; // in meters
double distance = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position.Z; // in meters, too
if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE)
// Prompt the player to move closer.
else if (distance < MIN_DISTANCE)
// Prompt the player to move farther.
// Player is in the right distance.
5) Always know when a player entered or left the scene.
Vitruvius provides an easy way to understand when someone entered or left the scene.
Here is the source code and here is how to use it in your app:
UsersController userReporter = new UsersController();
userReporter.BodyEntered += UserReporter_BodyEntered;
userReporter.BodyLeft += UserReporter_BodyLeft;
void UserReporter_BodyEntered(object sender, UsersControllerEventArgs e)
// A new user has entered the scene. Get the ID from e param.
void UserReporter_BodyLeft(object sender, UsersControllerEventArgs e)
// A user has left the scene. Get the ID from e param.
6) Have a visual clue of which player is tracked
If there are a lot of people surrounding the player, you may need to show on-screen who is tracked. You can highlight the depth frame bitmap or use Microsoft's Kinect Interactions.
This is an example of removing the background and keeping the player pixels only.
7) Avoid glossy floors
Some floors (bright, glossy) may mirror people and Kinect may confuse some of their joints (for example, Kinect may extend your legs to the reflected body). If you can't avoid glossy floors, use the FloorClipPlane property of your BodyFrame. However, the best solution would be to have a simple carpet where you expect people to stand. A carpet would also act as an indication of the proper distance, so you would provide a better user experience.