Here's a solution with a focus on custom validation and error handling for each field. This might be overkill for a data file consisting of just numeric data!
First, for these kinds of things, I like to use the parser in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
as it's already available without using NuGet.
For each row, we can return the array of fields, and the line number (for error reporting)
#r "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll"
// for each row, return the line number and the fields
let parserReadAllFields fieldWidths textReader =
let parser = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(reader=textReader)
parser.SetFieldWidths fieldWidths
parser.TextFieldType <- Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.FixedWidth
seq {while not parser.EndOfData do
yield parser.LineNumber,parser.ReadFields() }
Next, we need a little error handling library (see for more)
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string list
module Result =
let succeedR x =
Success x
let failR err =
Failure [err]
let mapR f xR =
match xR with
| Success a -> Success (f a)
| Failure errs -> Failure errs
let applyR fR xR =
match fR,xR with
| Success f,Success x -> Success (f x)
| Failure errs,Success _ -> Failure errs
| Success _,Failure errs -> Failure errs
| Failure errs1, Failure errs2 -> Failure (errs1 @ errs2)
Then define your domain model. In this case, it is the record type with a field for each field in the file.
type MyRecord =
{id:int; name:string; description:string}
And then you can define your domain-specific parsing code. For each field I have created a validation function (validateId
, validateName
, etc).
Fields that don't need validation can pass through the raw data (validateDescription
In fieldsToRecord
the various fields are combined using applicative style (<!>
and <*>
For more on this, see
Finally, readRecords
maps each input row to the a record Result and chooses the successful ones only. The failed ones are written to a log in handleResult
module MyFileParser =
open Result
let createRecord id name description =
{id=id; name=name; description=description}
let validateId (lineNo:int64) (fields:string[]) =
let rawId = fields.[0]
match System.Int32.TryParse(rawId) with
| true, id -> succeedR id
| false, _ -> failR (sprintf "[%i] Can't parse id '%s'" lineNo rawId)
let validateName (lineNo:int64) (fields:string[]) =
let rawName = fields.[1]
if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace rawName then
failR (sprintf "[%i] Name cannot be blank" lineNo )
succeedR rawName
let validateDescription (lineNo:int64) (fields:string[]) =
let rawDescription = fields.[2]
succeedR rawDescription // no validation
let fieldsToRecord (lineNo,fields) =
let (<!>) = mapR
let (<*>) = applyR
let validatedId = validateId lineNo fields
let validatedName = validateName lineNo fields
let validatedDescription = validateDescription lineNo fields
createRecord <!> validatedId <*> validatedName <*> validatedDescription
/// print any errors and only return good results
let handleResult result =
match result with
| Success record -> Some record
| Failure errs -> printfn "ERRORS %A" errs; None
/// return a sequence of records
let readRecords parserOutput =
|> fieldsToRecord
|> Seq.choose handleResult
Here's an example of the parsing in practice:
// Set up some sample text
let text = """01name1description1
yy badidandname
// create a low-level parser
let textReader = new System.IO.StringReader(text)
let fieldWidths = [| 2; 5; 11 |]
let parserOutput = parserReadAllFields fieldWidths textReader
// convert to records in my domain
let records =
|> MyFileParser.readRecords
|> Seq.iter (printfn "RECORD %A") // print each record
The output will look like:
RECORD {id = 1;
name = "name1";
description = "description";}
RECORD {id = 2;
name = "name2";
description = "description";}
ERRORS ["[3] Can't parse id 'xx'"]
ERRORS ["[4] Can't parse id 'yy'"; "[4] Name cannot be blank"]
By no means is this the most efficient way to parse a file (I think there are some CSV parsing libraries available on NuGet that can do validation while parsing) but it does show how you can have complete control over validation and error handling if you need it.