I have two sources with equatorial coordinates (ra, dec)
and (ra_0, dec_0)
located at distances r
and r_0
, and I need to calculate the 3D distance between them.
I use two approaches that should give the same result as far as I understand, but do not.
The first approach is to apply astropy's separation_3d function. The second approach is to use the expression that gives the distance between two sources with spherical coordinates:
as shown here.
In the MCVE below, the values returned are:
91.3427173002 pc
93.8470493776 pc
Shouldn't these two values be equal?
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
# Define some coordinates and distances for the sources.
c1 = SkyCoord(ra=9.7*u.degree, dec=-50.6*u.degree, distance=1500.3*u.pc)
c2 = SkyCoord(ra=7.5*u.degree, dec=-47.6*u.degree, distance=1470.2*u.pc)
# Obtain astropy's distance between c1 & c2 coords.
print c1.separation_3d(c2)
# Obtain distance between c1 & c2 coords using explicit expression.
ra_0, dec_0, r_0 = c1.ra.radian, c1.dec.radian, c1.distance
ra, dec, r = c2.ra.radian, c2.dec.radian, c2.distance
alpha_delta_par = np.sin(dec) * np.sin(dec_0) * np.cos(ra - ra_0) +\
np.cos(dec) * np.cos(dec_0)
d_pc = np.sqrt(r**2 + r_0**2 - 2*r*r_0*alpha_delta_par)
print d_pc
knowns exactly in what units you're feeding it the angle values? – Nineteen*u.degree
. – Comyns