I'm trying to use Angular2 syntax to create radio buttons from an enum definition, and bind the value to a property that has the type of that enum.
My html contains:
<div class="from_elem">
<div *ngFor="let choice of motifChoices">
<input type="radio" name="motif" [(ngModel)]="choice.value"/>{{choice.motif}}<br>
In my @Component, I declared the set of choices and values:
private motifChoices: any[] = [];
And in the constructor of my @Component, I filled the choices the following way:
constructor( private interService: InterventionService )
this.motifChoices =
Object.keys(MotifIntervention).filter( key => isNaN( Number( key )))
.map( key => { return { motif: key, value: false } });
The radio buttons are displayed correctly, now I seek to bind the value selected to a property. But when I click one of the buttons the value choice.value is set to undefined.