I have a problem with gdtools package. I would like to install it from source, but unfortunately I am not able to install any extra libs on Linux box. What I am doing to solve it, it is inclusion of packages in time of installation:
install.packages(repos = c("http://localhost.net/cran"), type = "source", pkgs = c('gdtools'), configure.vars = c("INCLUDE_DIR=/extra/gdtools/windows/cairo-1.15.10/include/cairo"))
This allows me to go one step further. But then I need to include one more directory, pointing to freetype library: /extra/gdtools/windows/cairo-1.15.10/include/freetype2/freetype
But when I am trying to add it to command it is not working. I have tried to do it in many ways, for example like that it is not working:
install.packages(repos = c("http://localhost.net/cran"), type = "source", pkgs = c('gdtools'), configure.vars = c("INCLUDE_DIR=/extra/gdtools/windows/cairo-1.15.10/include/cairo /extra/gdtools/windows/cairo-1.15.10/include/freetype2/freetype"))
Can somebody help me how to do it? I have tried also from R CMD level. Any solution is acceptable for me.