This is the meta-interpreter:
:- use_module(library(lists), [append/2,append/3,maplist/2,maplist/3,member/2,select/3]).
% Source:
% Source:
element(Es, E) :-
member(E, Es).
get_atts(S, _, _, _, _, _) :-
get_atts(_, V, _, _, _, _) :-
get_atts(+, V, D, G_3, As0, As) :-
element(As0, s(V0,D0,G0_3)),
V == V0,
\+ \+ s(V,D,G_3) = s(V0,D0,G0_3), !,
mi([s(V0,D0,G0_3) = s(V,D,G_3)], As0, As).
get_atts(-, V, D, G_3, As0, _) :-
element(As0, s(V0,D0,G0_3)),
V == V0,
\+ \+ s(V,D,G_3) = s(V0,D0,G0_3),
mi([s(V0,D0,G0_3) = s(V,D,G_3)], As0, _), !,
get_atts(-, _, _, _, As, As).
put_atts(S, _, _, _, _, _) :-
put_atts(_, V, _, _, _, _) :-
put_atts(_, _, D, _, _, _) :-
put_atts(+, V, D, G_3, As0, [s(V,D,G_3)|As]) :-
functor(D, A, N),
functor(D0, A, N),
select(s(V0,D0,_), As0, As),
V == V0, !.
put_atts(+, V, D, G_3, As, [s(V,D,G_3)|As]).
put_atts(-, V, D, G_3, As0, As) :-
select(s(V0,D0,G0_3), As0, As1),
V == V0,
\+ \+ s(V,D,G_3) = s(V0,D0,G0_3),
mi([s(V0,D0,G0_3) = s(V,D,G_3)], As1, As), !.
put_atts(-, _, _, _, As, As).
mi(G, As) :-
mi([G], [], As).
mi([], As, As).
mi([G|_], _, _) :-
mi([G|_], As, _) :-
writeq([G,As]), nl,
mi([false|_], _, _) :-
mi([true|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi(Gs, As0, As).
mi([G0|Gs], As0, As) :-
functor(G0, call, N),
N @> 0,
G0 =.. [call,F|Bs0], !,
F =.. Bs1,
append(Bs1, Bs0, Bs),
G =.. Bs,
mi([G|Gs], As0, As).
mi([(G0, G)|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi([G0,G|Gs], As0, As).
mi([(G ; _)|Gs], As0, As) :-
G \= (_->_),
mi([G|Gs], As0, As).
mi([(G0 -> G ; _)|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi([G0], As0, As1), !,
mi([G|Gs], As1, As).
mi([(_ ; G)|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi([G|Gs], As0, As).
mi([(G0 -> G)|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi([G0], As0, As1), !,
mi([G|Gs], As1, As).
mi([catch(G0, E, G)|Gs], As0, As) :-
catch(mi([G0|Gs], As0, As), E, mi([G|Gs], As0, As)).
mi([throw(E)|_], _, _) :-
mi([A \= B|_], As, _) :-
mi([A = B], As, _), !,
mi([_ \= _|Gs], As0, As) :-
mi(Gs, As0, As).
mi([get_atts(Mode, V, D, G_3)|Gs], As0, As) :-
get_atts(Mode, V, D, G_3, As0, As1),
mi(Gs, As1, As).
mi([put_atts(Mode, V, D, G_3)|Gs], As0, As) :-
put_atts(Mode, V, D, G_3, As0, As1),
mi(Gs, As1, As).
% mi([G0|_], _, _) :-
% functor(G0, A, N),
% \+ pi(A, N), !,
% throw(error(existence_error(procedure,A/N),mi/3)).
mi([G0|Gs0], As0, As) :-
copy_term(G0, G),
head_body(G, Gs, Gs0),
unify(G0, G, As0, As1),
mi(Gs, As1, As).
unify(G0, G, As0, As) :-
maplist(arg(1), As0, Vs0),
sort(Vs0, Vs),
unify_(G0, G, Vs, As0, As).
unify_(G, G, Vs, As0, As) :-
maplist(var, Vs),
term_variables(Vs, Vs), !,
As0 = As.
unify_(G0, G, Vs, As0, As) :-
unifiable(G0, G, Eqs0),
shrink_equations(Vs, Eqs0, Eqs),
gather_attributes_goals(Eqs, As0, As1, Gs),
G0 = G, % maplist(call, Eqs),
filter_attributes(As1, As2),
mi(Gs, As2, As).
shrink_equations(_, [], []).
shrink_equations(Vs, [Eq|Eqs0], Eqs) :-
maplist(var, Vs),
term_variables(Vs, Vs), !,
shrink_equations(Vs, Eqs0, Eqs).
shrink_equations(Vs, [Eq|Eqs0], [Eq|Eqs]) :-
shrink_equations(Vs, Eqs0, Eqs).
unifiable(X, Y, Eqs) :-
\+ \+ X = Y,
unifiable_([X], [Y], Eqs, Eqs, []).
unifiable_([], [], _, Eqs, Eqs).
unifiable_([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Eqs0, Eqs1, Eqs) :-
nonvar(Y), !,
functor(X, A, N),
functor(Y, A, N),
X =.. [A|Xs0],
Y =.. [A|Ys0],
unifiable_(Xs0, Ys0, Eqs0, Eqs1, Eqs2),
unifiable_(Xs, Ys, Eqs0, Eqs2, Eqs).
unifiable_([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Eqs0, Eqs1, Eqs) :-
element([X=Y,Y=X], Eq),
\+ maplist(\==(Eq), Eqs0), !,
unifiable_(Xs, Ys, Eqs0, Eqs1, Eqs).
unifiable_([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Eqs0, [X=Y|Eqs1], Eqs) :-
unifiable_(Xs, Ys, Eqs0, Eqs1, Eqs).
gather_attributes_goals(Eqs, As0, As, Gs) :-
gather_attributes_goals_(Eqs, As0, As, Gss, []),
append(Gss, Gs).
gather_attributes_goals_([], As, As, Gss, Gss).
gather_attributes_goals_([X=Y|Eqs], As0, As, Gss0, Gss) :-
% TODO: Investigate `==(X)` and `==(Y)`, since goals are executed.
filter(ar(1, ==(X)), As0, SubAs0),
maplist(arg(3), SubAs0, Gs0),
execute_attributes(Gs0, X, Y, As0, As1, Gss0, Gss1),
filter(ar(1, ==(Y)), As1, SubAs1),
maplist(arg(3), SubAs1, Gs1),
execute_attributes(Gs1, Y, X, As1, As2, Gss1, Gss2),
gather_attributes_goals_(Eqs, As2, As, Gss2, Gss).
execute_attributes([], _, _, As, As, Gss, Gss).
execute_attributes([G_3|Gs], X, Y, As0, As, [Gs0|Gss0], Gss) :-
mi([call(G_3, X, Y, Gs0)], As0, As1),
execute_attributes(Gs, X, Y, As1, As, Gss0, Gss).
filter_attributes([], []).
filter_attributes([s(V,_,_)|As0], As) :-
nonvar(V), !,
filter_attributes(As0, As).
filter_attributes([s(V,D,_)|As0], As) :-
functor(D, A, N),
functor(D0, A, N),
element(As0, s(V0,D0,_)),
V == V0, !,
filter_attributes(As0, As).
filter_attributes([A|As0], [A|As]) :-
filter_attributes(As0, As).
ar(N, G_1, A0) :-
arg(N, A0, A),
call(G_1, A).
filter(_, [], []).
filter(G_1, [L|Ls0], Ms) :-
call(G_1, L), !,
Ms = [L|Ls],
filter(G_1, Ls0, Ls).
filter(G_1, [_|Ls0], Ls) :-
filter(G_1, Ls0, Ls).
head_body(true, Rs, Rs).
head_body(A=A, Rs, Rs).
head_body(element([A|_], A), Rs, Rs).
head_body(element([_|As], A), [element(As, A)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(select(A0, [A0|As], As), Rs, Rs).
head_body(select(A0, [A|As0], [A|As]), [select(A0, As0, As)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(maplist(_, []), Rs, Rs).
head_body(maplist(G_1, [A|As]), [call(G_1, A), maplist(G_1, As)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(p(_), Rs, Rs).
head_body(p(a), Rs, Rs).
head_body(var(T), Rs, Rs) :-
head_body(nonvar(T), Rs, Rs) :-
head_body(T0==T, Rs, Rs) :-
T0 == T.
head_body(T0\==T, Rs, Rs) :-
T0 \== T.
head_body(sort(As0,As), Rs, Rs) :-
sort(As0, As).
head_body(freeze(V, G_0), [(
( var(V) ->
put_atts(+, W, frozen(G_0), freezer),
W = V
; nonvar(V), call(G_0)
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(freezer(V, W, Gs), [(
get_atts(+, V, frozen(G0), _),
( var(W) ->
( get_atts(+, W, frozen(G1), _) ->
put_atts(+, V, frozen((G0, G1)), freezer)
; true
Gs = []
; Gs = [G0]
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(domain(V, Dom0), [(
( var(Dom0) ->
get_atts(+, V, dom(Dom0), _)
; maplist(nonvar, Dom0),
sort(Dom0, Dom),
Dom = [E|Es],
( Es = [] ->
V = E
; put_atts(+, W, dom(Dom), contraction),
V = W
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(contraction(V, W, Gs), [(
get_atts(+, V, dom(Dom0), _),
( var(W) ->
( get_atts(+, W, dom(Dom1), _) ->
intersection(Dom0, Dom1, Dom),
Dom = [E|Es],
( Es = [] ->
Gs = [W=E]
; put_atts(+, V, dom(Dom), contraction),
% put_atts(+, W, dom(Dom), contraction),
Gs = []
; Gs = []
; ( element(Dom0, W) ->
; false
Gs = []
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(intersection(Us, Vs, Ws), [(
( (Us = [] ; Vs = []) ->
Ws = []
; [U|Us0] = Us,
( select(V, Vs, Vs0), U == V ->
[U|Ws0] = Ws
; Vs0 = Vs,
Ws0 = Ws
intersection(Us0, Vs0, Ws0)
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(dif(X, Y), [(
X \== Y,
( X \= Y ->
; put
)|Rs], Rs).
head_body(differentiator(V, W, Gs), [(
get_atts(+, V, dif(Vs), _),
( var(W) ->
( get_atts(+, W, dif(Ws), _) ->
intersection(Vs, Ws, Xs),
maplist(differentiate(V, W), Xs, Gs)
; Gs = []
; Gs = []
)|Rs], Rs).
% */
test :-
writeq(freeze), nl,
mi(freeze(A,false), As),
writeq([A,As]), nl,
test :-
writeq(freeze), nl,
mi((freeze(A,false),freeze(A,true)), As),
writeq([A,As]), nl,
test :-
writeq(domain), nl,
mi((domain(X,[5,6,7,1]),domain(Y,[3,4,5,6]),domain(Z,[1,6,7,8])), As),
writeq([X,Y,Z,As]), nl,
test :-
writeq(domain), nl,
mi((domain(X,[5,6,7,1]),domain(Y,[3,4,5,6]),domain(Z,[1,6,7,8]),X=Y), As),
writeq([X,Y,Z,As]), nl,
test :-
writeq(domain), nl,
mi((domain(X,[5,6,7,1]),domain(Y,[3,4,5,6]),domain(Z,[1,6,7,8]),X=Y,Y=Z), As),
writeq([X,Y,Z,As]), nl,
test :-
For a quick test run test/0
The predicates of interest are get_atts/6
and put_atts/6
. This meta-interpreter doesn't handle module so the interface has been generalized (thus creating new unknown issue).
This hasn't been tested extensively, the predicate gather_attributes_goals/4
may need a deeper inspection. Only freeze/2
and domain/2
has been implemented (but need more testing). Implementing dif/2
could help in testing it. Implementing cut could also help load a library like clpz
for testing.
Unification is done with unify/4
where handling the attributed variables begins.
This is the first implementation polished, it's more something to learn how does it work, I still need to work on something better.
, onlyget_atts/2
, may be wrong)? Are you implementing an engine? – Creech