My company has a shared network folder for projects. This folder contains a sub-folder for each of our clients. Each sub-folder contains all the information for the projects done for those clients. Makes sense, yea?
I have been given a task: When in our company's MS CRM and viewing a client account, allow the user to click a button that will open explorer to the project folder for that account.
Sounds easy.
Did a bit of hunting online. This looks nice:
It's funky, but it goes waaay beyond the scope of the task I've actually been given. However, my company doesn't use SharePoint (though we have licenses if we need it) and I don't have the time to invest tweaking this solution until it fits our CRM. I just need to open explorer on the client machine and point it at a folder. I want a button that will open explorer. Should be easy! I just want to set up a button in CRM, execute the command to open explorer /root, //server/projects/account, and then move on to more important things.
That said, I don't think like a hacker, so I didn't realize that this was an obvious security exploit that will be blocked most (if not all) of the time. So I gave it a go, but I've been having trouble opening explorer with JavaScript, which I thought would be the quick, easy and painless solution (duh me!)
Is there an easier way to do this than the example I cited above?