I know there are a bunch of other questions on this. The problem I'm having is finding an up to date consensus on the matter with regards to the latest versions of the storage engines.
Some people have said that for reads MyISAM is faster, but 'recent' improvements in InnoDB have either alleviated or eradicated this difference. Is that the case?
This article at MYSQL Performance Blog gets linked to a lot, both directly and from other articles that have been linked to from questions on here, but it's 3 years old. We're developers, we practically work on dog years - 3 years is an AGE!
I have a number of tables, some of which are mostly written to and some of which are mostly read from and hardly ever written to. There's also a lot of foreign keys which require InnoDB anyway so those will stay as InnoDB, but I would like to know if I'm right to change the tables that are mostly read from and have no foreign keys to MyISAM, or whether this is a pointless thing to do, with the latest versions of the two storage engines being used?
I appreciate that this may be voted to be closed, but if doing so please you could link to an up to date article? I've already tried a Google search restricted by timeframe but the articles linked to the same older articles. Thanks.